The Veil

May 16, 2010

Love of God.

God is a good God.

His encompassing love is the fuel that keeps me going on daily when things around seem to continually come apart in wayward fashion.

I met this woman from Indonesia yesterday at the lighting console and she began to share about herself. Turns out she is a SOT student, trying to clock up ministry hours. She is an apparel designer, has a business now as a intermediary to bring designs to labels and still designs for Topshop and Miss Selfridge. Thing is, she dropped all of these, her family and picking-up business to come to School of Theology. When she told me," I didn't want to come, coming here was not my choice. But now i am loving it here, i called my mom to tell her saying that, ' i dont wna go back home alr!' ", i could feel there is genuine joy.

Then she said, "Others come here because they say wna know God or the Word more, or something but for me.. Pst Meng said there are many Christians around, some are living comfortably in their own skins, comfort zones; others living on the edge; and the rest? They jumped off the cliffs already, just like me."

I didn't really understand, didn't get what is 'jumped off' already. I thought she was referring to an analogy.

She continued," I was about to jump off already, but my mom and sister forced me to come join SOT. I had depression for very long and my mom was so worried about my condition, my life."

There and then, i understood. Depression.

We talked some more, she related about her latest vision from Holy Spirit, opened up about her goals and blessings from above, about how a company based in London actually offered her an opportunity. All the while, she was holding back tears in her eyes, for conflicting emotions but most importantly, tears of thanksgiving i could feel.


Just before Svc ended, there was an alter-call, i opened my eyes after a long while to see Kewei cut a forlorn figure standing at his seat. Then i realized he needed support, both mentally and physically to get down the aisle to the front. The tangibility of the Holy Spirit up front was immense, i felt i was breathing Him. Both of us prayed but i was clueless, i needed help with Kewei. Then this leader stepped up, he prayed for him, asked about his needs, prayed somemore, all in the midst of tears, broken hearts and lying bodies all around. The leader asked Kewei to bend his hurt knee, his excruciating pain was plain for all to see, his howls and cries more so. Really, i pray for divine healing to come for him now.

Right then, i wished i had a camera to capture the acts of love. Dangling mucus were wiped away by strangers' bare hands without any hesitation, hugs of empathy were given without any consciousness of the differences between genders. I was deeply humbled, not just because of my inadequateness but by His unequivocal and unconditional love.

It dawned upon me then, that accent of the Indonesian woman does not matter, nor the skin color of the black woman who turned around and gave kewei the biggest embrace i ever saw, and no, the unfamiliarity of the male leader does not matter either. What matters is we believe in the same God, the one and only.

'Cos His love will overcome all differences.

"your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be."

- Psalm 139:16

He knew us before we were born.
Keep walking..


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