The Veil

October 10, 2011


I have regressed. I feel that in my bones. I came to this conclusion when i was standing over the toilet bowl this morning. No, i wasn't peeing. Just thinking. And looking at the square tiles plastered onto the wall, i saw a shared, common similarity. The progression made over the recent years.. Is it not unlike the square tiles plastered over the old, wrinkled wall? Yes the tiles are pristine white, pleasant looking, at least more more so compared to the hidden interior. Is the progression just a facade? Can it be torn off or worn out to reveal the ugly character flaws once more?

I shuddered at the thought of that. The entirety of it all is just depressing. Lying on my parents' bed, my mind wandered off as usual. I imagined the churning sound of the computer as my thoughts start to gather. The pool of random considerations only seems to make more ripples, not sense. So with a wave of the arm, i swept the unnecessary thought bubbles away.

Getting off the bed, I glanced at the tiles once again and muttered to myself, "Well, the wall of tiles seems pretty plastered eh? Let's keep it that way."

Mundane Monday.


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